Looks like he's gonna be packing up and heading to Portland as he starts to run for Salazar. The window for getting him to race for FRRC is quickly closing
On my street of ghettoness, I've found that the more you yell at them, the more they sit on your stoop. Whereas I am nice to their faces, but call the cops as soon as I get inside the house.
I might blow up, but if you don't take chances, why are you out there?~ Christo Landry
Falling apart in a marathon, you feel utterly defeated, knowing it got the best of you. You go home and ask your mom if she still loves you~ Jacob Frey
I'd always rather fail being bold than fail being meek and tentative~Julia Lucas
I tell ya, girls are pretty fast sometimes, and I don't like it ~Tim Burns
I'm like a turtle when I sip that purple~ Lil Wayne
Effort is between you and you~ Ray Lewis #52
On Your Left
Power Now, Baby~Terence
If I don't keep running, I won't get any slower~ Travis Warren
You go until the sun goes down, then you are there~ Kipchirchir
I want to run as hard as I can. If I blow up, I blow up, it's not that big a deal. At the end of the day it's just running. ~ James Carney, USA 20km Champion
Every time I run it's with the mindset that if I die at this race, it's OK.~ Japanese marathon hero, Yuki Kawauchi
I'll have to talk to Julia.
i always wondered how she picked which stoop to sit in-is there some sort of hobo code on that sort of thing?
On my street of ghettoness, I've found that the more you yell at them, the more they sit on your stoop. Whereas I am nice to their faces, but call the cops as soon as I get inside the house.
Is Denise the skinny, mean hobo? If so, she told me I am going to burn in hell because I have tattoos.
She's not Jen Koshy skinny but she is definitely mean.
What the F do you mean by "Jen Koshy skinny"? I'm a beefy girl, with powerfully large muscles.
Is she Jen Koshy mean?
Denise is mean to you all the time and to your face. Jen Koshy is passive aggressive mean I think.
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