Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2nd Annual MPRC 5k 10/30

Kim Warren (Travicon's wife) is directing this 2nd annual event in Catonsville. It is on Friday, October 30 at 9am. I realize it may be tough for many of you to make it out there, but if you're able to I would highly encourage it.

Kim works with schizophrenic patients, and due to the medications they take, many of them are overweight. The idea behind this event is simply to introduce them to running and help combat the weight issues.

The cost to register is $10 and if you want a shirt they can be acquired for $12. According to Kim, "the t-shirts turned out to be more awesome than expected last year, so we ran out last year. They should be just as awesome this year, so if you plan to purchase one, please do so in advance!"

Here is the link

And here is a link to make you laugh

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