Sunday, July 26, 2009

Theme song of the weekend

For serious.


THE KRIS said...

jen, you can't just LEAD with R.A. don't you know you're supposed to sucker us in with a fake link, and then pow! rick-rolled.

BG said...

Kris, that joke's a bit old, even for you.

THE KRIS said...


BG said...

Sorry; I forgot for a second that I'm not Elf and can't say stuff like "O.A.K" and whatnot.

Oh! How it must be to be the Elf!
He could tell us, "go F#$% yourself!"
and we just laugh and be merry,
despite his raucous vocabulary!

THE KRIS said...

you wouldn't be part of this group if you couldn't call me old. and i mean that as a compliment.

BG said...

I finally watched this video (well, a copy of it, because this one is not available in Austria due to copyright issues) this morning, and I have a question: does it bother anyone else the way Rick Astley moves his hands in circles in every shot?

THE KRIS said...

it bothers me that you watched it.

BG said...

Who doesn't want to see Rick Astley?

By the way, when I was clicking around YouTube afterwards, there was a pretty sick mashup of The Ting Tings, The Knack, Toni Basil, and a couple of others: