So...I am thinking of registering for my first "Tri" before this season is over. And...I am ignorant as hell when it comes to this whole tri-geek world and was hoping to get some input from you guys on this particular sprint/olympic triathlon event- General Smallwood Triathlon in Indianhead, MD.
Does anybody know anything about this event?
Anyone planning on doing this?
Is there another triathlon that would be a better for a first timer?
Which is better- Chipotle or Baja Fresh?
Side note. I am also a cycling newb. I need to get/rent a bike. Brand recommendations, etc. are welcome. If all fails, I can always borrow my friends beach cruiser...
Dr J
3 weeks ago
Baja Fresh. But you have to venture out of the city to get it and you get more bang for your buck at Chipotle.
I think it's supposed to be a relatively flat course. And I've heard Setup Events does a good job at putting on races.
I was thinking of either doing this race or Lancaster..haven't decided yet.
Does SetUp put on General Smallwood? I didn't think they got into MD at all, but I guess it's southern Maryland so it's all good. As I recall, last year really surprised me with what they charged for the Olympic Distance race (which was in June). I won't pay as much as I would for Columbia for a race that's not as good.
Lancaster is a great race but would be mightily difficult for Dr. J. Stanford, you however should do this. It's the Columbia of September, only less competitive and more fun. And it's a Saturday which makes it way sweeter. Of course I believe that would make it the same day as the RM Memorial 5k.
General Smallwood?
he's the general who executed the famous "half-mile charge" at antietam. unfortunately, the confederates were 3/4 of a mile away - so, he came up short. either that or rm's college nickname - i can't remember which.
Ahh, very funny Ben, but if you knew anything about me I never "rose" to the rank of General.
I was stuck at Private. Private Smallwood.
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