Monday, August 3, 2009

We Get By With a Little Help From Our Friends

Hi Friends~
I will be moving back to B'more this weekend - yay! But before I can celebrate, I have lots of work to do and would appreciate any help or support. My plan is to spend Friday packing and then I will move on Saturday. I have rented a truck for 9:00 Saturday morning. If you have time to help load the truck, I could use your manual labor. We will meet at 1705 East West Hwy Apt 617 in Silver Spring, load the truck, and haul everything to 1321 Clarkson Street in Fed Hill where I would love assistance unloading. I will provide meals/booze/massages afterwards for those who offer assistance. Thanks friends!



RM said...

I shall help. There is nothing I love more than moving people in August. Normally I cap it off with a run at Patapsco but perhaps I can just go for a leisurely stroll.

Christy said...

send me a text or call when you're on your way to Bmore- I will try to be there to help you move in

///MM said...

What time does this moving party start on the Baltimore end?

Mel said...

The party? You don't get to participate in the celebration if you don't help if that's what you meant! J/K. We will probably get to B'more sometime early afternoon. I will send a mass text if you are up for unpacking. Thanks for inquiring!

///MM said...

I meant the unpacking part obv. I have a date with my bicycle early in the morning but will be happy to help in the PM. Put me on the mass texting list.

Jen said...

I have always strongly disliked you. The fact that you are moving back to BMore sucks. I will in no way be a part of helping you.

Bojanges said...

I'm with Jen, the only reason I decided 3 weeks ago to be out of town on Saturday is that I wouldn't have to help you move.

Bojanges said...
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BG said...

And that, friends, is what you call "Flipmode". Touché.

Ben said...

kendra and i did one better - we made sure we were out of town every weekend the rest of the month just to make sure that we couldn't help you move back to baltimore.

although i am bummed that i won't be there to witness brennan's emotional death spiral as his ultimate third wheel status is made real with each box carried up the stairs. brennan - if you can hear me through that steely armor of bitterness and regret - you deserve love too my friend. you deserve love too.

Arjun Majumdar said...

Wow Ben, that made me shed a tear... powerful stuff.

Eileen said...

I can help with loading the truck from 9 to 11:30am. I need to be back at my place by 12:30 b/c of previous plans.