Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Survey says...

How in the world does the survey on the right not include an option for "stanky leg"?!?!


RM said...

Mike - this is an ACTUAL survey that Chrissie prepared on restless leg syndrome. This is how real live black people responded.

RM said...

I just want to know who the F voted 6 times for the gotta-moves? Clearly that has to be Ben. I am the only one who voted for creepy-crawly?! C'mon, that definitely describes it better than the rest!

THE KRIS said...

donna likes "jim-jams"... i think you're all a bunch of 'tards.

Ben said...

actually i only refer to medical and anatomical terms by their proper names. my 7th grade health teacher was very firm on this point.

///MM said...

@RM "This is how real live black people responded."
... and it DOESN'T include stanky?!

RM said...

I think stanky leg is a GOOD thing Mike. These other things aren't good. Creepy, self explanatory. Elvis stole black people's moves and music therefore they hate him. Heebie jeebies is never good. And gotta move? As in, I gotta move slowly across this street...

So stanky could not be something used to describe something terrible.

I like jim-jams too, but it sounds like candy or Jimmy Fallon

RM said...

I hate all of you for not voting for the one I want to win. Why do you think I put it first?!

THE KRIS said...

sorry ben, "retards". is that proper enough for you?

Christy said...

This is an ACTUAL GSK sponsored survey that has been paying my salary for the last three years. I call people up and ask them if these and other (worms moving, ants crawling, soda bubbling in the veins, etc) words describe the feelings people have in their legs. I'm in Seattle right now presenting the results- we'll see how TTWSS compares to the general population of baltimore.