Thursday, March 22, 2012

suuunday long run in the morning

hey a slowmoving stormfront is moving into our urea this weekend...still planning on logging some miles in...refuse to run on the roads since i do that all week...thinkin of maybe ncr if the trails are a show...whatayathink...any ideas


c-rad said...

A storm is moving into our UREA?! Damn. This is gonna hurt.

RM said...

The storm is called Hurricane Gonorrhea. But I just heard it was downgraded to Tropical Storm Pubica.

Tom - Dusty is originating his run on the roads at 9am from Gilman, so that he can run 9 miles chill before rolling into 6-7 at marathon effort on the track.

Dustin said...

I'm planning to depart Gilman at 9:00 on Sunday for a 9-mile loop and then run 6 miles or so on the track in 5:40ish. I'm probably going to keep the pace no slower than 6:50 for the 9 miles, perhaps quicker if others are amenable.

scotty doesn't know said...

Good luck with that dusty...that would be an ideal 10k racepace for me...will likely not make the trip up...gonna try to stay off the roads...will either hit the towpath or some trail down here in MOCO