Wednesday, March 7, 2012

College Corner: Hannah Eckstein

Hopkins freshman Hannah Eckstein has been burning up the track recently, running a school record in the 3000m, breaking 17 minutes for the 5000m, and winning a Centennial Conference title in the 5k.  I had the opportunity to chat with her about her background, her rapid progression, and what she hopes to accomplish this outdoor season and beyond.  You can read it here:

Hopkins Runner Races into the Record Books

Stay tuned in the weeks to come for more interviews like this one!


///MM said...

I agree. Baltimore pizza IS very disappointing.

Dart said...

Say's something about the crime here... not even the Mofia & their Italian Pizza Piez wanna hustle charm city.

Christy said...

So impressed. I can't wait to see what Hannah does at Nationals this weekend!

David Ploskonka said...

Nice write-up - thanks. :)

And somebody needs to tell her about Matthew's (which almost nobody seems to know or talk about, as it's in sort of a random place on Eastern Avenue), which doesn't have nearly the hype factor of places like BOP, Joe Squared, or Johnny Rad's, but has been cranking out awesome pizza in this city since forever ago.

RM said...

Matthew's = overrated
Joe Square = meh
Johnny Rad's = worst name ever
BOP = good 7 years ago when no other option existed

Pasta Mista = the truth
Little Italy Pizza on Broadway near Aliceanna = good slices, run by Brazilians